The Concept of Motion Layer Editing

After you use Director Mode to generate a motion clip of an actor, you may want to fine tune the offset (position) for each bone for more precise control. This can be done via the Motion Layer feature. The pose with the edited bones will be kept as a key in the Motion Layer track, and it will remain in effect throughout the clip unless another key is set to replace it.

  1. Record a motion clip in Director Mode, or apply a motion clip from the template library in the Content Manager.

  2. Switch to Editor Mode.

  3. Go to the specific time when you want to overlay the offset key to the clip.

  4. Click the Edit Motion Layer button in the Animation/Motion/Modify. Alternatively, you may click the secondary button of your mouse on the actor and select Motion Menu/Edit Motion.

  5. Adjust the bone you wish to edit with IK or FK. The key will be automatically added into the Motion Layer track.

For more information, please see: