Auto Setting T-Pose (for Pro only)

When you start the Convert to Non-Standard procedure, the first and most important step is to set a T-pose for the character, no matter what the initial pose the character strikes. This is because motions in iClone are all generated for the characters with an initial T-pose. Thus, if you set a T-pose for your custom character then the motions applied to it will generate the most correct results.

If you do not know where the character comes from (unknown source), then you need to manually set a T-pose for the character. Please refer to the Manually Setting T-Pose section for more information.

Setting T-pose with Profile

If the bone structure of your custom character is built with the conventions of your favorite 3D editing tools such as 3DS Max or Maya, or if your character is a character exported from 3D character tools such as DAZ, then you do not need to spend too much time on manually setting a T-pose. 3DXchange provides ready to use profiles for quickly setting T-poses in characters.

  1. Once you enter the Characterization mode, then click the Load T Pose button.
  2. By default, the system will open a build-in folder where the pose profiles are listed. If you can not find the profiles- the folders are built under the paths shown below:
  3. Select the profile that is suitable to the native 3D tool of your character (known source).
  4. The character will instantly strike a T-pose once the profile is applied to it.
  5. You may then slightly adjust the bones until you are satisfied with the look of the character.