How to Create a Comfortable 3D Stereo Projects

If you would like to create a project with the best 3D stereo results, then please follow the guidelines below. In the below example, the character is set to be the main target:

  1. Adjust the Preview Camera to the perspective from which you want to view the scene.

  2. Add a custom camera. By default, it will have the same settings as the preview camera.

  3. In the Preview Window, switch the view to the Preview Camera.
  4. Move the preview camera backwards to where you can see the Custom Camera.

  5. Change to the Top View of the preview camera. (Hotkey: G)
  6. Measure the distance value between the custom camera and the target object. This value will be the Convergence Distance.

  7. Switch to the custom camera and measure the width value of the Zero Parallax Plane.

  8. Go to Export, and select any of the Image, Video or Image Sequence buttons.
  9. Enable the 3D Stereo Vision box and choose the Anaglyph (Red/Cyan), Side by Side, Above/Below or DualStream radio button.
  10. Set the Convergence Distance to the number value measured in step 6.

  11. Export the project as a 3D stereo media.

Strength the 3D Sensation: Object Arrangement and Camera Lens.

Object Arrangement

In order to generate believable 3D stereo content, it is recommended that you create a scene with objects in near perspective, middle perspective and far perspectives.

No front and rear object (weak 3D effect)

With rear object (3D depth increased)

With front object (3D sensation increased)

Camera Lens

The camera lens may increase or decrease the sensation of 3D stereo depth. Given a same project, a wide angle (low lens value) may provide a more pronounced 3D stereo sensation than a long-take angle (high lens value) may. The higher the lens value, the harder for your eyes to focus on the target object.

Lens = 20

(Wide-angle shot; 3D stereo enhanced)

Lens = 120

(Long-take shot; 3D stereo weakened)

Lens = 200

(Long-take shot; difficult to focus)

