How to combine the skirt segments?  

How it works:

  A. Choose the segment that you want and set up axis.
  B. Decide the quantity of segment. Copy and then rotate them.
  C. Group the segments and make them become a single Prop.
For more details, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.

A.Choose the segment that you want and set up axis.

A-1 Apply any segment.

Choose any segment from the Scene Manager. Make sure that Preference/Display Information/World Axis and
Preference/Object Manipulation/Transform Gizmo are checked.

Move the segment to the appropriate position and execute Pivot/Scene Root.

B.Decide the quantity of segment. Copy and then rotate them.

B-1 Calculate the required angle for each segment based on the quantity of the segment (Ex. 12 segments, 360 / 12 = 30).

Make sure that Preference/Grid Options/Angle Snap is checked, and fill in the appropriate angle (Ex.30 degrees).

Hold down the Ctrl key, and then rotate the segment. Upon the release of the Mouse key, the segment will be duplicated. Keep doing this until the skirt is complete.

C.Group the segments and make them become a single prop.

C-1 Apply Dummy.iProp.

Choose all the segments from the Scene Manager.

Right click to execute Attach and click on the Dummy to attach all the segments to the Dummy.

You can operate on the Dummy to move, scale, rotate, and save the whole skirt.
(This Pack also provides skirt templates of composed segments).



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