1 Import Blinds-Whole from the Action Panels folder. You could apply images or videos onto the Whole Type Action Panels in one piece.

Drag and drop a video file onto it.

Right click on the blind and select an animation to perform in the display window.
Please choose the correct animation sequence to play the complete animation successfully.
Perform Commands
Rotate-CW-ALL Rotate order is 1, 2, 3, 1
Rotate-CCW-ALL Rotate order is 1, 3, 2, 1
Rotate-CW-1 Rotate from side 1 to side 2
Rotate-CW-2 Rotate from side 2 to side 3
Rotate-CW-3 Rotate from side 3 to side 1
Rotate-CCW-1 Rotate from side 1 to side 3
Rotate-CCW-2 Rotate from side 3 to side 2
Rotate-CCW-3 Rotate from side 2 to side 1


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