When Fashion Meets Different Styles

Try these wild and chic outfits from Cosplay, Rebellious and Young Casual packs, to create mischievous female characters.

RPublishing Fashion Series

Exchangeable Clothing for Mix & Matching

Freely swap and assemble different clothing pieces to design a brand new style.

RPublishing Fashion Series

Physics-Ready Soft Clothes

Only the low-poly versions fully support iClone’s soft-cloth physics. These fabric materials will flutter during movements.

Physics-ready soft clothes

Dual Mesh Clothing System

High and low poly versions are available for each outfit. Low-poly models are optimized for long distance camera shots while the high-poly models hold up well to fine close-up scrutiny.

3D clothing - high poly model
3D clothing - high poly model

High-resolution Texture Detail

All outfit textures are optimized for PBR. The high-poly models come with the original texture maps and the low-poly models come with 2K texture maps.

3D clothing - low-poly
3D clothing - sketchfab