Hey Icloners as we cruised the internet we found this impressive and promising NEW piece of software. More Information please find under both Links. It is really amazing....More
I am posting here at the suggestion of Rampa after posting this problem in the forum. I created a path to walk my character through a labyrinth. It was created all at once with me placing points in the correct order from beginning (Red outside labyrinth) to end (Blue center of labyrinth)...More
Hi, I'm using LIVE FACE plugins to do all lipsynching of my characters, these were worked before but now anymore, I'm not sure what was the problem. my internet works perfectly, download speed is 58Mbps and upload is 4.32Mbps...More
Hi just thought that since iClone 7 is a real time graphics engine, that if it were possible, it would be great to have Nvidia's hairworks system built in, with perhaps a hair system like maya's xgen, to get life like flowing animated hair. What do you think ? here's their promo vid https:...More
Greetings, I would suggest to add the possibility to import iClone project inside another iClone Project. This will help me achieve some special movies....More
For example. I take the bear, apply the movement, I execute the menu item Sample Motion Clip, the traffic spoils. Video ( https://youtu.be/jukwlc1VEek ) and project file I attach. I ask you to correct the mistake....More
Instead, the key is written to the next frame on the left. Depending on which bones are getting transformed, the outcome is unpredictable. Slippery feet, jerky motions.. etc. There is nothing helps to fix the faulty frame, except to move the entire clip by a few frames to the left or right...More
I like that iclone uses physx, Oh a choice between CPU and GPU option would be nice , please add . but i would love to see rag doll physics for characters . So characters interact with each other eg fists , legs , heads collide with others . I am sure this can be done as shapes for collision...More
Animating rigged props is a hassle in most of the cases. A simple bend requires dozens of bone tweaking for a smooth animation. So I propose to have a spline control of the rig chain, where transforming a single control point would bend entire IK chain in the respective direction. Spline should...More