Hi, That would be great when hiding elements like Avatars or props etc.. to get a better playback speed, for the moment it seems like the computer continues to calculate polygons of hided elements. And,...More
According to the iClone manual, it should be possible to use IK with non-human characters using Bone Edit Mode in the Edit Motion Layer panel and enabling the IK Constrain option. However, the following steps will demonstrate that IK currently seems to be broken for non-human characters:...More
Car animation system (steer, drive.. etc) is a must have in iClone. It is very strange that the only available solution is the legacy Tool Box (Bullet engine) which last updated since IC5....More
In iClone 7 we have an extra digit for the transform (X, Y, and Z) values. This is great, but I don't think the extra digit is used optimally. 0.001 cm is very small indeed and I think a resolution of 0.01 cm (1/10 of a millimeter) would be sufficient. On the other end of the scale we currently...More
The character's ribs(breasts) are springing, but the others are not.. So, abdominals and hips have problem, breasts are working correct. Also, iClone 6 has the same problem....More
Reallusion software is about realism, and arguably the biggest aspect of human realism that we look for in renders is breathing. In order to be 'life-like', and not static or robotic, things like subtle movements and blinking are great, but the thing that would really seal the deal is breathing...More
I rarely complain about set up but this is making me pull my hair out. Usually when I animate the curve editor goes below the timeline and snaps to it and remains there and scrolls with it. I can't do this with iclone its making me crazy i am constantly dragging the timeline around the screen...More
There are a few of us that have noticed this issue and it might be a calibration issue with CC3 Base Plus and iClone's motions. I've tried smoothing the animation, that doesn't seem to help at all. Here is a discussion on iClone Users Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1684100315159672/permalink...More