While Quality control may not be much useful for stills rendering, it might be quite valuable for rendering animations. Preset samples count for the entire export batch maybe too much for rendering specific frames in the animation sequence. Quality control might help to arbitrary lower samples...More
What about developing a face capture plugin for the Kinect 2.0 or the Windows Hello Sensor in the Microsoft Surface and other laptops? A Microsoft Surface is less expensive than the iPhone X and it would be easier to rationalize its purchase in a Windows/iClone environment. From the internet...More
Request OCTANE 4 , plugin, in Iclone. ..........RL just has to approve........ Coders do all the work and all updates............. I have Octane in other apps. Way better than Iray. Super popular in 3d now. 20 applications have Octane now................ Why is RL falling behind.?? Prospective...More
There is an attribute in Iray .mi files: attribute integer "iray_degrain_filtering" 1 It set to 1 by default. I suppose it enables degrain filtering. But in a way it does interfere with Denoiser operation in very ugly way....More
Imagine iclone having multiple layers of expression track. E.g. If I have a character that's breathing heavily throughout the scene and I have that character do various stuff like looking around, showing angry, sad emotions in scene. In one expression layer, I animate the heavy breathing clip...More
Hello, I am an iclone and crazy talk animator power user for many years and I would like to ask you if Reallusion has in its plans to release a download manager for iclone and crazytalk animator and character creator, like the "DAZ Install Manager", because it will surely help out the power...More
Hi there, please, you could add a scrollbar to track menu list of timeline. When there is a large number of props on the scene, it is not very convenient to look for and include objects. Thank you...More
Dear all, I brought the mocap plugin for icone but Microsoft is discontinued the xbox kinect sensor. instead of that microsoft and intel is working on new technology "Realsense" check here https://software.intel.com/en-us/realsense...More
There is something has changed in opacity maps processing which now has a negative impact on rendering. I have seen other users complain about different aspects related to opacity maps, but I will give you couple of examples of my discovery (Everyone feel free to comment with your own discovery...More
Problem: I have a project consisting almost 3 million polygons and set up a complex scene for rendering with displacement textures and upon export to Indigo project files it would crash half way with only 432 frames. I was told by support that what ever the quality I wanted to out put to that...More