In iClone7.91 it’s possible to use “Reduce Lip Keys” feature. This is a great feature which helps to improve the lip sync. It would be really great help, if you export just Visemes from iClone 7 in whatever form so it could be imported to the CA4. In CA4 are sometime too many Visemes. By loading...More
AccuLips currently does not work very well with english audio, but it absolutely does not work with other languages due to missing data for speech recognition. Missing feature? ...then please be so kind and this, because you suggest in german advertising that it is "the best solution" for...More
Could you please make it possible to have a remote kinect send data from one laptop (without iClone) to a networked PC with iClone? I know you can do it because you already do it with the LiveFace app on the iPhone. All the data can be stored in JSon and streamed over the network. I've seen...More
So now that we have the ability to smooth facial mocap in two distinct ways on the timeline, why not add this capability to body mocap on the timeline? It would be very useful for us capturing a wide variety of ways, and should be just as simple (so just use the same code as you use on the...More
Hello I saw that the Avatar toolkit its not working with the latest versions of iClone Do you plan to release an updated version? Or implement it on iClone 8?...More
Enabling PN Triangle Tessellation in UE4 to smooth outputs almost always results in triangle shaped flipped faces, even with default characters. Contacted support (190728) but other than turning the feature off (resulting in characters looking like Kryten from Red Dwarf) they had no other suggestions...More
Since updating to iClone 7.8 the Avatar / puppet controller now sits inside the scene window with the avatar and assets where it works - very badly. If I click the maximise button ie then vacates the scene window and I can drag and drop it where I want, but it is no longer attached to the avatar...More
When moving a motion bone 40 units this aligns with the unit system compared with other objects. However, I only need to move a skin bone about 10 units for the same distance. I compare this using the same character, one rigged as non-human and the other as non-standard....More
Dear Development and Marketing Team, Could you please make iClone a more professional and competitive tool. Almost all tools that are free like unity,unreal and blender far exceed the capabilities of it. Meaning the unity built in animation tools can do the same and far more than iClone and...More