Iray Preview rendering is a lot slower now. In the past when I do 20 frames, it takes 3-4 seconds. now it take 15-30 seconds. Also, can a minimize button be added to the Iray Preview rendering screen?...More
I am able to generate popvideo files in CrazyTalk animator 4 pipeline and yet it says “load video error” in iclone 7, ( latest edition on all software.) I also have popvideo 3 and tried generating the popvideo file from there and importing to iclone... no go. Same “load video error”...More
I don't know if this is actually a CC3 problem or an iClone one, but whether you directly transfer a CC3 avatar over or if you just save it and then drag/drop it into iClone it will come in with GI turned on for all avatar body textures, which is a Very Bad Thing (you can select them all and...More
At present when the Iray render is finished there is no possibility to either read the whole render log, or to save a copy of it. As soon as a render is finished the log window can not be scrolled due to being locked by the "Complete" message panel, making it impossible to access the information...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< In addition to specifying a specific frame number to start applying the "De-Noise" feature, it would be nice to have the ability to simply request it be applied to the FINAL ITERATION when rendering...More
I find myself sending characters to CC2 so that I can replace the costume and then bring them back to IC7. I wish I could have an option to replace the costume from IC7 or replace the character....More
If avatar is rotated (transformed) to 45 degrees by Z (or otherwise any other angle not divisible by 90) for instance, it is really hard to move bones straight (in respect to avatar - local). Have to do numerous tweaks before you get the bone to the right position, or use a gizmo plains, which...More
Sometimes animation clips need to corrections to resume a posture from the legs, arms, torso etc specifically - like taking a specific snap shot of a body part or parts in one clip and pasting it to another. Currently "Set as Default" only takes a snapshot of the entire pose. In the future...More