Some Android phones use the Depth Camera feature, for example mobile Note 10 has depth capabilities Is iClone a live face app for Android phones in the future? IPhones are expensive...More
You provided the option to users to force the max texture resolution size for the entire project, how about based on camera proximity and a raycast from camera scan, props can be pre-calculated to reduce resolution? -what isn't seen by the camera and doesn't need to show in reflections is reduced...More
It would be great if we could look at references of what each expression is supposed to look like. Refer to the picture for example, what is "left mouth narrow"? What is it supposed to look like?...More
Please help me out.... I tried reinstalling realtime faceware. exe through reallusion hub..... But same "start error" occurs.... I used for only 1 day and I have remaining 30 days Error: - RealtimeForiclone.exe: Start Error...More
This is frustrating. I didn't want to and really didn't know if I could afford to pay hundreds of dollars just to be able to capture live animation on my computer just for a face. But I couldn't even get Rokoko to install. So now, I might have to pay twice as much money for Faceware -- all...More
Hi, I have a question. Why does my character's mouth not open in the Unreal Engine, even though his lips and face move? I've set up the Live unreal link and motion live to transmit movements in Unreal. The funny thing is, the iclone mouth opens and Unreal doesn't....More
can't activate motion live. i have the activation number i was given after purchase. when i click on activate on Reallusion Hub it says i first need to purchase the software. i can i tell the hub I ALREADY PURCHASED THE SOFTWARE? i uninstalled live motion, and when i try to reinstall motion...More
Hello! I use iClone in a "Live" environment. It will be great to have a separate "Fullscreen" viewport output trought NDI ( A lot of great software support it and I think it can opens for new possibilities....More
Hello Reallusion , How can I crate my own custom epression in Expression mapping? I trying in 3dxchange expression editor create custom face blendshapes but it works only in Face Puppet and Face Key editor....More