We have physics in the UI and the physics toolbox. Both are OK, but we sure could use some improvements in the physics toolbox. Afterall, it was released 5 + years ago....More
I know Reallusion plans to improve the particle system in iClone. Would be perfect if any of NIVIDA FSX could be implemented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLAC69J-BM...More
In reality we are sensitive, as humans, to the direction and quality of sound. The ability to build a soundscape adds a lot to the dramatic impact of any animation. At present you need to go via 3rd party packages such as Adobe After Effects which not all can afford....More
One thing I would really like to see is Onion skinning when it comes to motions on the timeline. I don't know if it's possible for motions that you've purchased, but it would be nice to have a mode where you can see the key frames in the view port so that you can get a good visual idea of how...More
Can we please have the HumanIK Control system visible and selectable in the viewport? It's very tedious to keep switching back and forth from the puppet controller to the translate/rotate gizmos. HumanIK is already implemented, so there's no reason not to have the option to have the animation...More
On any character timeline, when I want to paste, or copy the look keys, it does not allow me to paste on the same timeline. I have to now stop at that point in time, click the character, to stop look or look at, to get a key node on the look line in the timeline. The mouse click on the look...More
Hi, When on PC we right click on any Reallusion's *.exe, we get the version of the installer, that we frankly don't mind :) Would it be, please, possible to get the "real" software's version instead?...More