Unless an m1 version of iClone is already being worked on. Another suggestion is to support the m1 GPU through Parallels Desktop (win11). I managed to install iClone just fine with an empty scene but once I load an asset the program would lock up or won't show the character, because the m1...More
You could include this in the iClone Physics textures paint tool and for painting Reach Color target textures on the terrain objects or characters. This brush however is to paint or rather "grab" physically connected objects connected by constraints by magnet (gravity attraction and repel...More
After about 5 rewinds in the timeline project crashes but it doesn't crash if I manually enter frame 1 and press enter. There seems to be a hesitation in iClone when pressing rewind. Possible Solution:...More
I can't seem to get past the "Transfer Files" step with the iClone 7.9 version. The file in question is nothing special, just a CC3+ character. After hitting the transfer button the normal command line window does its thing, then after about a minuet or so the screen locks up, I get the win10...More
I have noticed that as soon as new version of Reallusion product is released hackers also release its cracked pirated versions which are widely available over internet. Please make a difference between us who are spending thousands of dollars on Reallusion products and those thieves who use...More
Hello, I would like to make a character that shoots footage of her self with her phone (selfie). The "look at" feature would be perfect for this, but iClone doesn't let me utilize it as the camera is linked to the characters hand. I'm using mocap data of a person actually holding a phone...More
There is no general category so I placed it under iClone. 10 votes limit might have been appropriate at the beginning, when there was not so many issues reported. Nowadays FT has grown enormously and there are a lot of issues we would like to vote on, only to find out we have run out of votes...More
Create a 'livelink' similar to Unreal Engine for Houdini: https://www.sidefx.com/products/houdini-engine/ Houdini will enable iclone to have super realistic water, rock, sand, soft collision, particles and more. Currently, iclone's relationship with popcorn fx has yielded unrealistic/poor...More