Your advertising advises that Live Face is " compatible with any iPhone / iPad enabled by TrueDepth camera for facial recognition". When you load the Live Face app on the iPad it advises that the app only works with iPhone X. You should test your products before quoting things that aren't true...More
I've tried to connect my iPhone 10 to my PC using wifi, hotspot or usb with no luck. I can't get faceware live to connect to the Live Face app on my iPhone. Does the port number matter? Please advise....More
I purchased iClone7 and Motion LIVE plug-in, but I can't output the ip address and realize the interactive expression.I have collected the system information in the attachment....More
When using LIVE face with Iclone 7 in conjuntion with Unreal Live-link for a custom (non-standard) character, the body mesh deforms within Unreal while looking perfectly fine within Iclone 7. Please find a link below for a video that illustrates this problem. Rampa asked me to submit this...More
My Iphone and Computer connected to same WiFi network, I enter the IP address in iClone as shown in iPhone and it showing failed to connect . Please help me...More
With Live Face connected and working, you can no longer set a zero pose. This is a SERIOUS bug and one that just occurred (as little as last week it was working fine). Without the ability to set a zero pose all facial mocap is wrong....More
Hi guys, trying to figure out if reallusion is the right solution for us right now. I installed the iClone 7.22 Trial Version and the motion live plugin + the live face plugins, but the plugins aren't showing up. Is this intentional? Thanks for the Info,...More
Hi, I know that the technology to make Live Face work is the iphone X IR camera with software based on Faceshift (apple), but Faceshift were working with Intel realsense cameras as hardware for their system. It would be great if Reallusion could pursue a depth sensing facial tracking solution...More
Ive been Using iClone 7 facia motioncapture with live face and iPhone x i n ue4. 27.2 with The old iclone live Link and The old Metahuman kit. It works with head rotation and every thing.after uppdate to ue 5.03 and new iclone live Link from epic games marketplace and Metahuman uppdate in qixel...More