SUGGESTION: To make iClone launch faster, and possibly use less memory, make a new PREFERENCE that lists all your plug-ins and allows you to decide which ones to automatically load when you launch iClone. When you use one that was not autoloaded, display a "Loading..." window message so the...More
We contribute ideas/innovation, often giving Reallusion the fixes without compensation or reward for hours or weeks of hard work testing, researching etc. This is the least Reallusion can offer existing customers. Why this matters, how will it benefit Reallusion? *attract more loyal customers...More
I used the Hub to update everything. There was some errors that make me suspect install was not completing correctly although the hub currently shows everything installed with no updates remaining. Smart Gallery showed many items uninstalled, so reinstalled them. Sync'd local content. Noticed...More
Good Morning. I bought some programs and plugins, but my notebook had a problem and so I need to reinstall on a gaming notebook. I would like to get authorization to install it on the new notebook and if possible leave it as a backup on the old one....More
(1)Please prepare effect loader 3rd party's effect(plugin) or user volunteer's effect(plugin) (2) Current i-Clone does not have toon render variety and custom properties....More
with cc3 headshot why have system load ct8 to generate faces? next update should address legacy issues like that. backtracking requires extra production time as well. modify panel links to ct8. if cartoon animator uses rlHead add edit ability via cc3 and or ic7...More
I was working on my project and it crashed with this message "Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read" When I reopened it, it said I have an unsaved project and I restored it, yet it was giving that message again "Instruction at Referenced Memory Could Not Be Read" Now every time...More
So I was working on my 1st project and it crashed on me. I reopened it and a message popped up "you have an unsaved project." I clicked that and restored my project. Then I closed it because I wanted to start on a 2nd project. I closed the 2nd project without saving because I don't want it...More