You are at version 7 of an animation program and have yet to implement a simple "mirror pose" function. This is an elementary component of any decent animation package. Making a repeatable walk-cycle is twice as much work with your software!!!! Even more, if you're looking for accurate symmetry...More
The keys are getting split with move on some of my existing projects (I cannot get clear pattern of this behavior). Particularly a copy of the torso key is left behind. For now I just delete them (not sure if it is safe). But working on existing projects is quite annoying, specially if you...More
Dear Reallusion! I bought Iclone pipeline (CC 3dxchange) in september from you. The program runs on Nvidia GTX 1080 series. Until december was no problem with running Iclone with nvidia driver 39... installed....More
After the latest update, Curve Editor plugin crashes iClone when started with right mouse click on a clip. If started from plugins menu, there is no crash, but it does not show any curves from a clip (sampled of course)...More
There is a *major* problem with baking Reach IK keys: When you bake Reach keys on a Motion clip, either directly with the Bake Reach Key option or indirectly via Collect Clip export, it adds unwanted up and down motion on the hips/center of gravity at seemingly random points in the active clip...More
It's an issue when you've built something from many props with many constraints and the only way to show it functionally held together is to lengthen the speed of the clip to give it more time to calculate but then you'd have to shrink it back to the original size later. I've also found that...More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
When collecting all the actor's animations into MotionPlus all data is correctly saved (Animation, Facial Expression, ReachTo, ...) but eyeballs' animation is not....More
The curve editor stopped working again a couple of weeks ago, when I checked I needed some updates to the iclone programs which I installed and that fixed the problem. so now I have all the latest updates an yet I find again the curve editor has stopped working properly. when animating figures...More
Easy to replicate. Just add any avatar with extended bones to the project (Heidi, Mason). Move/Rotate any of extended bones and try to locate the key on a timeline. It is recorded somewhere, but not visible on a timeline nor it follows a key set, when it moved along the timeline. Please rectify...More