There is something has changed in opacity maps processing which now has a negative impact on rendering. I have seen other users complain about different aspects related to opacity maps, but I will give you couple of examples of my discovery (Everyone feel free to comment with your own discovery...More
Hi! It would be great to having an embedded decimation function, even better with masking options, as low poly is trendy for a while by now. It would also be great to having wireframe options: color even with gradient options, thickness, opacity... Wireframed presentations also are trendy...More
When I open some of my projects iclone becomes completely unusable, I can click on what ever, adjust what ever, but nothing happens in the project window! Also i cant use or move the project window in anyway, iclone is at this state totally a dead stick and useless. On other project all the...More
This is a strange problem that happens occasionally and is hard to reproduce. However, today I was working on a very simple project, which seems to cause the view port to freeze almost every time. Follow this link to download a ZIP file with the project:
This is my second attempt to get this solved. Last time I did not save my project file. This time I did. Here is the problem: The DOF mask seems to be broken. There is no seamless transition between the "in focus" and "out of focus" parts. In the "out of focus" parts of the picture there seemed...More
I exported an iClone CC body obj to 3DCoat to paint (with keep UV) but in 3DCoat anything I painted on the legs would show up on the head. I was using the spline paint tool. So i thought iClone must have some UV issue that wont work for what I'trying to do (just paint anywhere and the paint...More
Topic says it all -- applying a glow to billboards doesn't work. And this is kind of significant and important, particularly now with GI (and the oh so useful way of lighting your scene with billboards)....More
Problem: I have a project consisting almost 3 million polygons and set up a complex scene for rendering with displacement textures and upon export to Indigo project files it would crash half way with only 432 frames. I was told by support that what ever the quality I wanted to out put to that...More
Just want to put in a suggestion for a new Sky Tool that allows for scaling the size of the sun and moon for Iclone 7. Also, it would be great if there were a Sky Tool plugin for 'fantasy' and 'sci fi' settings including alien planets and other 'celestial' objects like comets, meteors, etc...More