I think it would be great to be able to use .ccSlider files (for example, from this pack - https://forum.reallusion.com/Topic386118.aspx or ones that created manually by the user) in the Morph Creator. Right now it is accepting only obj or iAvatar files. The current workaround for me is to...More
In iClone7.91 it’s possible to use “Reduce Lip Keys” feature. This is a great feature which helps to improve the lip sync. It would be really great help, if you export just Visemes from iClone 7 in whatever form so it could be imported to the CA4. In CA4 are sometime too many Visemes. By loading...More
A small quality of life thing that would make a huge difference. Please can the Gear List pop-up window that opens when you start the Motion LIVE plug-in please remember the last entered IP address? Currently it resets to a default so you have to consistently re-enter your devices...More
ICLONE7 doesn't allow to change the UI background to light grey, dark grey or black UI background is not good for your eyes, and it make you tired. I have seen some comments before about the subject, I still don't understand why we cannot change it, in cartoon animator all is light grey and...More
We need the option of a Toon shader material so we can apply it (with or without outlines too) on any object we like. The existing settings affect everything so you cant take off the outlines of an object. Please please we need this...More
Are there any plans for a deep motion plugin? I’d be great to create motion capture from mp4 video files as seen on deep motion. I believe It would save people a bunch of time/money and would be a great platform seller....More
I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More
Some small tools for working with "loopable" animations for games etc... 1. Temporary walk in place option, where you also can control specific axis to disable on root when working with walk, run loops etc. 2. Feature that in real-time replicate start and end keys to ensure "100% loopability...More
While motion puppet is a great addition to the animation toolkit, it is heavily let down by not recording actual movement. Please add a checkbox that reads "Idle" when checked it works like it does now. You setup a walk and the character walks in place. However, when it is unchecked, the character...More