I have bought this product some time ago and I am trying to install it now but it is failing to install and I can't raise a support ticket for it as the support window has got submit button greyed out....More
Hello! Is there a way to to prevent CTA3 from searching for previous installations? I am trying to Reinstall and message repeats " Found previous installation, will terminate"....More
Possibility to change the default Export Render Settings Hi, it would be nice, if we could change the default Export Render Settings for Videos and Images....More
Je suis sur Mac - fichier .CSV .PSD ; travailler sur une copie ; Fichiers .png S'il manque dans prop; sprite editor Non fermé ; - motion : Erreur de motion sur g3 ; (emma-pose.ct3Dmotion ) dans dossier temporaire ;...More
The ears do not seem to be properly parented to the face. They should move along in relation to the characters face, however they just seem to float in place which makes the characters facial movements seem unnatural....More
1) Keyboard shortcut for [Edit -> Select] & [Edit -> Cancel select] : These two keyboard shortcut are very often used functions in any 3D software. Unfortunately, CrazyTalk Animator do not has these keyboard shortcuts (even on version 3.2.2),...More
Crazy talk animator is awesome piece of software for 2d animation but one more features needs to added for html5 & animated SVG export. I found that in previous version of CTA 2 there was option for html5 export but it is removed in new version of CTA3. Right now there is no better visual...More