I just got my trial period started and first issue. I cannot really work with the menu at all - font is too small. See attachment. I have a proper screen for image processing with resolution of 3840 and not going to downgrade it to 1280 or something. I have increased text size to 300% in...More
I dont know if Crazytalk is still in development but I think crazy talk 9 could be possible. I've suggested this feature for ic8 but should be available for CC4 as well. Users can benefit with a light weight application such as crazy talk for vblogging/live streaming but you should also give...More
I sent this already with picture but never got a reply. The demarkations are far away from the true eyes of my character. Upon moving them it pulls the flesh so far it is totally disorted. I tried to click all the different colours green, blue to move but they are stuck....More
When you are in the Eye settings. Both the eyes in the select part is red (it looks more like they are de-selected compare to selected. Green would be a better colour for it). The default setting make both eyes move (both eyes selected). But you deselect the left image (which is the right...More
The tool bar on the software is very small and difficult to read. The icons and the descriptive wording next to the icons overlap. I don't see where or how to correct this problem. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks, Pat...More