When modelling the photo 3d head contours a flat switchable grid or transparent overlay of the original photo's would be useful both for size checking and more accurate positioning. This would help beginners, like myself, get to grips easier with positioning the markers rather than guessing...More
On a 2016 macbook pro running the latest Mojave, CT8 crashes after I've created my character - when I click 'apply'. While we're at it, there is no customer service IN THE MOMENT. 2 days wait? Really? And even on this tech support page, any complaints are met with a suggestion to get in touch...More
I think it would be awesome to have the ability to use bezier curves when editing head shapes in the front and side views. This ability would significantly improve the product and make it much more user friendly when having to position points and the curves that get squished too much and deform...More
I sent this already with picture but never got a reply. The demarkations are far away from the true eyes of my character. Upon moving them it pulls the flesh so far it is totally disorted. I tried to click all the different colours green, blue to move but they are stuck....More
Use Kinect or/and intel realsense cameras to capture and fit the head automatically. This could then be used in iclone/character creator or Crazytalk animator too....More
I am not able to export RLH or the head to iclone7 or CC2.. the tab to send to is missing only export available is video or images. I purchased crazy talk just to create 3D heads for iclone. please help. Prashant...More
Hello, When I try and create a new 3D head the "Open File" window does not pop up and or is invisible. When I click inside Crazy talk during this time I get a "beep" as though the window was up but I cannot see it. I have shut down, restarted everything, still its not showing up. I also...More
Recently bought the crazy talk pipeline and the output far below expectation. When working on the crazy app, the character almost resembles the photo, once exported to Iclone and apply to CC1 character, there is no similarity with the face created on Crazy talk. Please advise why this is happening...More
Hi, It should be nice in a next release to integrate Motion Live2D in CrazyTalk 8, like in Cartoon Animator 4, for work with Face3D tracker. Thanks,...More