I've cycled through the list of bones to identify influences and also selected verts on body parts such as the foot to know why the verts are being stretched over to the opposite side as if the Characterization ignores the toe weight paint - Also why in bone edit mode the breast bones are symmetric...More
I attached an video displaying that the spring effects are functional in the suction cups on the first arm set in front but not elsewhere because *by default* I don't have the option, why? All suction cups contain the same duplicated hand joints.. In the bone menu, when I click on "unused...More
Vertex assignment is like glue/weight painting - CC4/iC8 has cloth tracking and can be used to temporary glue your character's face vertex positions of from a preset you make identifying and covering the face area; lips, eyes etc so the points gets matched on another character's eyes, lips...More
For a future update to Character Creator 4, I think that it would be quite helpful if a couple of parameters were introduced that could give artists the capability of either generating a new character completely at random using the artists' entire material/asset library, or by giving the artists...More
I exported a turkey from DAZ with morphs and animation. I used FBX. I imported as a creature. I can't find any morph sliders for the turkey. The animation was also missing. I had to import the FBX same file as an animation in order to get the animation to work. I also tried to load a genesis...More
Pose based retargeting by using a Dynamic 3D version of the Human Retargeting Characterization map -the user customizes the 3D Characterization pose altering it to match the character to be retargeted. For example If you posed the Dynamic Human Characterization model into a quadruped pose there...More
(Essential for getting complex characters weight painted quickly that have duplicated joints) I have duplicated hands & arms but we should be able to paste the joint weights as the same.to a new area on the existing body that exists as duplicate joints without effecting the same verts where...More
On CC (tested on CC31 ,CC32 ,CC40) custom morph sliders randomly raise the following trouble: Any custom slider is affected, two projects created the same day, one does show the below, the other does not using the same slider. (1.ccproject does NOT, 2.ccproject does)...More