Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I wrote the subject correctly and not sure if this applies as an issue, if not, then I would like to make it as a feature request. I use Blender to paint skin weights on clothing as is a much better experience than CC4 sadly. Painting Skin Weights in CC4 is slow...More
Please make a CC4 auto setup tool for Godot Engine 4. We need your beautiful hair and eye shaders in the engine. I've been using Godot since 2018, and it has grown tremendously since then in terms of community size and technology. With the recent Unity debacle, many teams departed Unity permanently...More
glTF has seen wide adoption across the industry with many large companies and game engines adding import and export support in recent years: https://www.khronos.org/gltf/#gltf_ecosystem This would also be optimal for exporting the PBR textures and settings of the character, because FBX does...More
It would be super helpful if you can add export to .glb format. So that users don't need to use another app like blender to do it. It is a very important feature because .glb files can be displayed in web browsers. Thanks!...More
I would deeply appreciate being able to store my own custom export presets when exporting to FBX. Currently there are a few presets built in to CC4. This is helpful, but literally 100% of the time when I export a character to FBX, I have to make various other changes that are not stored in...More
Hi - A a simple/'one button' direct export option for Character Creator (or iClone) to Wonder Studio. That would be cool (and something both companies would benefit from imo) (Maybe for CC5..? :-) )...More
Export to the new set of mannequin bones which has unreal 5. The unreal 5 mannequin and metahumans have a new bone structure and all the examples released by unreal (Lyra, Mannequins Pack, etc) use that new system. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/mannequins-asset-pack...More
Hi RealIlusion Team, I've just tried to export the Camila character in fbx format by going to File/Export/FBX/Clothed Character. I get the Warning: You have 30 times remaining on your current license. I clicked Ok and the "Export FBX" popup appears. Under the Target Tool Preset, there is a...More