There are parts in some custom characters that are impossible to see/adjust because they are hidden inside. Please update Isolation mode to isolate parts selected so we can work with proper alignment....More
Though trial and error, for a few days solid in a row, I've found a solution that will allow characters with displacement a way to have 0 cracks. The issue is caused by the bleed texture border/margin. I found that if you apply a glow effect using black for the edges with precision on each...More
I would like to suggest using a transparent grid like seen in here in headshot photomode. This would make in my opinion make fitting the headshape to the photo...More
*An observation - Uncanny valley - hair looks fake where it is supposed to come out of the skin, perhaps you should taper the hair root tips otherwise it reminds me of a Bowl cut hairdo or attaching a fake mustache prop to an actor rather than seamless/gentle attached to the face. Maybe an...More
A marque is too difficult and extremely slow when we should be able to paint select vertex areas to easily transfer weights to other bones. I really wish you also had the option to transfer copy or project skin weights from one model so we can switch to another and paste, transfer or project...More
- some custom hairs don't appear in saved projects; opacity is not an issue, just not visible. The "eye" is on in the scene tab. -Selecting certain saved custom hairs in content manager causes an immediate crash (never did this before since update) - Saving custom hair causes a file corruption...More
Hello Community, I’m facing a transparency issue with hair when importing a character from DAZ3D and Character Creator into a Unity HDRP project. The workflow I followed is as follows, and I’ve also included a video to show the steps: 1. Export from DAZ3D:...More