I wish Reallusion would add support for UDIMs for other things also then Character meshes... I miss the ability to have Hirez textures onto several cloth objects :(...More
At this time buying the new CC4 and IC8 products and having so many strange bugs and crashes it feels like you have not had a proper BETA testing team doing a proper job. We are NOT your Beta testers - Reallusion should hire people to do this, A full price paying customer should not be expected...More
To replicate the issue and see it clearly, position character head to the lower-left corner in the view-port and render with TemporalAA for Anti-Aliasing....More
Steps to reproduce: 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > Clothed (Any clothed character) 2. Select all visible clothing and hair and toggle eye icon on "Scene" tab to hide clothing and hair...More