In Character creator 3 and Headshot you could control morphs by left clicking and moving mouse horizontal for scaling (?) and vertical for up/down editing of position e.t.c In CC4 / headshot leftclicking and moving mouse vertically changes position as it should, but left clicking and moving...More
Bugs found in CC4 Viseme slide, model looks ok at 0 and 100, while the middle got one eye shrunk towards the head root joint. But other facial expressions don't have this issue, only in Viseme slides. In the end, I can't use the feature of viseme, only add a few phonemes as expression, and...More The video above showcases the bug. The character will not animate when a new animation is applied, includes the eyeballs too, and this happens with iClone 8 as well....More These sliders don't work anymore on cc4: There is probably more because I only use 20 or so so far....More
To replicate the issue and see it clearly, position character head to the lower-left corner in the view-port and render with TemporalAA for Anti-Aliasing....More
I am totally new to CC4 and was looking forward to the product, but the morph sliders just sit there like a heavy ass brick. I have to type in the values and then wait about 10 to 15 seconds for any result. It is totally a work flow killer since I am not bothering to tweak other sliders since...More
Hi, The FBX export Character Clothed main UI button calls the export function From CC3 and Create .fbxkey files. The FBX export functionality works properly when using the File->Export-FBX Menu. Also, the CC4 documentation page show show the export options of CC3 and not CC4, there are missing...More
I have installed the SkinGen Premium plug-in for CC4. All of the contents appear to be available, except for SKinGen Tools. Those folders are empty....More
Steps to reproduce: 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > Clothed (Any clothed character) 2. Select all visible clothing and hair and toggle eye icon on "Scene" tab to hide clothing and hair...More