CC4.32 When trying to load Body Hair - chest 01 from Skin Gen premium i get a weird path error. See picture. The desired image exists but in a totally different folder. The error seems to ocur only with chest 1. The same path "D:\reallusoon/00content/.. " is called on win 10 and Win7. Both...More
For no reason the window tabs are getting switched to some defaults whenever CC is getting minimized and then restored. The default tabs i my case are Headshot, Content and also Packager tabs. Regardless which tab is active and is in focus, after minimize/restore the Headshot and Content...More
The following issue has been ever since the first version of CC4, also IC8. On Win7 reduce idle load mainly works, but when enabling it moving around windows behaves like shown in the picture....More
CC4.31, Headshot 2.01. A similar issue has been reported earlier IIRC. When editing the headshot photo diffuse map a few times, reprojecting the photo, readjusting skin color etc and editing the diffuse map again a few times the base color map (see screenshots) seems to become currupted. I...More
1. Sending Character from Iclone 8 to CC4. (Note CC4 is NOT open). 2. Pop up message appears - ("Certain installed items have received updates. Would you like to retrieve these updates and refresh the Content Manager. Yes/No"). 3. A few seconds later the Character loading pop-up appears and...More
The issue is when the program launches a brand new project it launches correctly no errors Until you save and open it. When you click on a saved project even if you just created it gives you these errors as I captured for you. One thing I have noticed as I'm watching it load a previously saved...More
I'm trying to create and update the expressions using Goz expressions, but I get an error that says "Failed to update expressions. Please use Goz all to import all the meshes" . Already tried to fix the path and clean the Goz cache, but nothing seens to work. I 'm using Zbrush and CC4 and...More
Fresh installation for Character Creator 4.33. No matter what I do (restart software, refresh list), the Free resource section remains empty (displaying text "[All] search filter does not contain any results"). edit: In contrast, also a fresh installation of iClone 8.33, properly displays...More