When clicking on "Member" in the Help Menu of CC44 it opens a browser window. There when clicking on "Login" i get the massage seen in the picture. Can not proceed further. This happens on Win10 even with firewall disabled, not on Win7 (Firewall enabled)...More
Hi! I'm seeing problems related to the shaders when exporting CC4 autosetup to Unreal Engine. For example, this black character I made adjustments to the chest area using skinGen and the chest looks different in Unreal than in CC4 in "lit mode" - it appears a lot darker and doesn't match...More
Windows 7 I wonder RL hasent learned from a CT5 bug i have reported long time ago. Exactly the same now happens to CC4.4. Ealier versions do not show this misbehave....More
I spend hours and hours and hours and hours on a headmesh with headshot 2.01 , regularily saved the project, mistakely closed the mesh to head window, mesh to head window was gone, no way to bring it back. ( Stupidly thought the HS ini data would be saved together with the project) When closing...More
I have encountered a problem when working with characters designed in Character Creator 4 (CC4). After exporting these characters as FBX files and making modifications in 3ds Max, I found that the FBX files, once exported from 3ds Max, do not remain compatible with their original versions from...More
when I try to export using InstLOD no file is written or anything the window just closes when I click export with no effect whatsoever. It does not matter what settings I use and it doesn't matter what file I use. I tried with an installation on another pc the same thing happened. iI didn't...More
Export character using Unreal FBX config (CC4.4.2509.1) with standard settings. Import using Auto Setup for Unreal 5.3 (version 1.33) in HQ settings and morph targets import turned on. Character imports correctly....More
Steps to reproduce issue: 1. Create a Humanoid (non-standard) character and rig it using AccuRig. 2. Test animations and Paint Skin weights as needed....More
I have an ActorBuild character and I am trying to optimise their clothing as it is way too heavy for a game engine. I keep trying to reduce the poly count and it shows me a preview but when I apply it, it just reverts back to the full mesh. The assets from the store here: https://www.reallusion...More