At this time buying the new CC4 and IC8 products and having so many strange bugs and crashes it feels like you have not had a proper BETA testing team doing a proper job. We are NOT your Beta testers - Reallusion should hire people to do this, A full price paying customer should not be expected...More
Please add a list of undo and re-do actions to CC4 so I can see where I went wrong when I re-trace my steps when I click the undo button. Excel provide this list of actions in their undo & re-do tab, why can't you?...More
It was very convenient to quickly navigate to Calibration Poses in Content. Now it takes a few clicks to get there. And we still do not have an A-Bind pose in the list of Calibration poses. Please add!...More
It was assumed by just about everyone in the forum that one of the major benefits of bringing in characters would be the ability to edit these characters in SkinGen It was very disappointing to learn this wasn't the case I think adding this feature would greatly benefit the reallusion community...More
I find it incredibly strange that I can't assign the Digital Human Shader to non-standard avatars This was touted as one of the main benefits of CC4 allowing non-standard avatars in the forums, but it was left out of the actual development Aside from non-standard avatars, we should be able...More