Hi there when ever I try to export the character to Unreal with (Merge beard and brows into one object) option, I face the issue program crash and closed....More
ExPlus is almost useless to those of us working in game development if these ARKit blendshapes are stripped out of any character that's been converted to GameBase. I know the lack of polys will make the expressions less subtle but stripping them out completely is a huge mistake. We could really...More
Hello, Before the update we could export the Hair FBX into blender and adjust the weight maps using blenders editor and they would come back over when importing back into CC3. After the update, this is no longer possible. The weight maps changes back over to default after importing back...More
Steps to reproduce: Export a daz g8 figure and hair, customize morph export rules to export hair with morphs, and also customize to export some figure facial expression morph dials, such as a custom expression set made for the figure being exported. Import to cc3+ via transformer, the figure...More
Hello, We have a couple questions about Reallusion's skeleton joint data in CC3, and the skeletons export data read by our third party software (Maya 2019). We have noticed that CC3+'s export data is not read by Maya as we would expect. If you refer to the included image ("CC3_Export_JointData...More
Malfunction between Character Creator 3.3 and my antivirus "Orange Security Suite 12 (m)". The "Undo / Redo" function is not operational as long as my antivirus is activated. I have also already had "out of memory", wanting to load a garment for my character....More
Bottom line is, that Shoes (specially High Heels), which were created before the latest release do not fit/conform well and despite strong effort to fit them in CC, they require fitting, rigging and weighting all over again in an external app on a new CC3+ Base. Trying to convert CC1/CC3 Base...More