The next software update should contain support for clothing and accessories to use UDIMs similar to how the body mesh can. If not in CC3 then in CC4! It's cumbersome to have to paint in Substance and the import feature not function properly, but to not even be able to have a workaround where...More
So I am not sure why there is no Pipeline already but Clip Studio is an amazing 2D & 3D program that works well with Everything Reallusion.... Please think about it. (= Thank you....More
It's great to use this "Character Creator 3" software, but some things are missing and one of them is that the character must be the same size as the Unreal mannequin, with exact or approximate measurements, whether it is a male or female character, because the user loses a lot when trying...More
When working on assets in CC3 it would be great to be able to update the UV's while working towards the finished product. I had hoped you could use the Zbrush bridge for this but I has no option for for UV update....More
Hi, I am chauncey phillips I hope this finds you well- The suggestion that I have is to implement an in - game players choice customization so that we the game creators can outsource the duty of character creation to the player....More
Looking at Characters close up isn't as realistic as I thought.. it does look at a distance. I hope that you can integrate a skin-to-morph" projection component to help with bigger deformities like neck veins or tendons and or the ability to generate the displacement textures from the normal...More
After launching SkinGen, the micro normals disappear from the character's skin materials. This happens because the micro normal mask is getting de-referenced in the material editor. While SkinGen is active, the micro normal mask texture shows a warning logo. After exiting SkinGen, the texture...More
hi just wondered if it is possible to get a normal map for the tile generator and a tiling slider for the decal tools, and are the link controls limited to the tool used or can they link tools? thanks, cool plugin...More
Hi there, i am trying to export my character creator as fbx, with embedded textures and also without embedded texture to marvelous designer, but whenever i did import as fbx in MD, the material look scary, i don't know what i am doing wrong please help, i even tried with obj file it same....More