So I am not sure why there is no Pipeline already but Clip Studio is an amazing 2D & 3D program that works well with Everything Reallusion.... Please think about it. (= Thank you....More
There is a problem when a character is exported as FBX and then imported into Unreal with animations. When I try to retarget the animations from the mannequin character to my character there is always sliding feet or hands (IK) and the issue is probably happening from the wrong size of CC character...More
When exporting a character to FBX there are inconsistency between the Body mesh and the beards/brows items from Smart Hair. This occurs either while exporting to Blender or to Unity (I did not try other export method but I think it will be the same) It happens regardless if the Beards/Brows...More
With latest introduction of Bind Pose, which supposed to replace a T-pose for cloth creation routine, the entire workflow for Cloth Creation in External apps has been changed. Now we need to create, rig and weight paint cloth in this new Bind Pose, which is sort of an A-pose, but not quite...More
In character creator 3, can you somehow save the preset under your name? I work with the Lumberyard engine, and it was very convenient. Because every time you change the values, too long. Maybe there is such an opportunity to save the predefined parameters and call them not with a custom, but...More
hi i have been trying to export a hi res mesh from cc3, of about 50k - 100k poly, without any success, just wondering if you had any suggestions thanks, i have tried instalod and fbx but everytime it just exports at the base mesh level of 16k ?...More
It would be nice to be able to change the default View port navigation to mimic Maya, 3dmax or Blender navigation. Or to be able to assign your own keyboard shortcuts for Rotate, translate and zoom the view. This would help speed up work flows especially when switching between other 3d software...More