Hello! I'm having a problem with Unreal's packaging project. According to your operation, I copy the files from Auto Setup 1.2 for Unreal 4.26 to project....More
With this idea I'd like to fully revolutionize cartoon character building by having a Photobooth Plugin for CC3/4 I see the plugin fully automating/capturing all necessary parts instantly for 360 Characters *Captures from Cartoon Shaded Characters...More
Hi, I was tested with the default CC3+ character, male and female, they can be imported successfully when applied with full skin profile, but it will crash UE5 during auto setup after applied with skin base profile. However, by removing cc_base_eye and cc_base_eye_occlusion component, any...More
When using "RL_Standard" as a parent to the material of clothing from the Playset-UN task Force it produces strange see through results. The hair shader also does the same....More
Hi i made several characters to be used as characters in my gamejam project for Epic Games, i try to keep my final game lower than 1gb so i convert my characters to Game base and export! Unfortunatly convert to Game Base is a way with no return and also i cant use my morphs anymore to make...More
I reported this problem already in issue 6780, but the ticket was simply closed ... Here is another example that shows the problem of too-bright skin in ue4. Here, I experimented with a cavity map as blend map that is transferred correctly while the rest of the face is too bright. The torso...More
Please create and add a user interface and feature set to allow a user to create and save customized facial expressions and body morph settings as exportable morph dials for use in game engines as blendshapes....More
I think it would be quite helpful if I could install these two software packages onto my laptop and my desktop and then use a wi-fi connection to sync the two devices together in order to send files back-and-forth as I need to across my private network....More
According to my research on the subject matter, right now Blender is closing in on this particular niche of the rendering industry with their grease pencil tool and free plugins like BEER, which you can learn more about if you follow this link to the plugin's official website: https://blendernpr...More