CC3 does not currently support the creation of true Daz-like geografts. In Daz Studio, as in Character Creator, the topology of a character's mesh cannot be changed (i.e., vertices cannot be added or removed). To get around this limitation, Daz allows users to hide portions of a mesh and then...More
I hope you are planning to expand the current selection of figures, to support also toon/anime/manga style characters. Ideally, something like Vroid. The idea is that we can create humanoid characters that are resembling characters you may find in an anime or manga; or with the look of modern...More
When GoZ'ing the character to Zbrush, it would be nice to have the Mat IDs as separate polygroups to easily edit spesific parts of the body, or save normal map information without overlapping the maps....More
When you need to replace a morph in the Face setup in 3Dxchange. Ex fix the blink. It would be good if you can export the morph from CC3 directly and load it into 3Dxchange. Currently when you try do this, 3Dxchange tell you that the vertex count is wrong....More
First the eye wrinkler. When creating heads from photo for example the eye lid's textures often don't look right. I'd like to at least be able to export/GoZ or 3DCoat etc to fix errors. Although I thought about it for a while and I think the photo to face example picture is wrong, I think...More
Kia ora I feel a option for having export like Left, Right hand, Head and Feet would be a great help to those creating RPG's similar to The Elder Scrolls series when palyer changed armours and cloths. Much less work fitting clove/Gaunlets over the end of an arm rather then make sure fingers...More
Kia ora I like to see us be able to find the textures for ouir model together, I'm frustrated having the Albedo and Normal one place and all the other maps 10 folders deep some place else. Is there a vaild reason that textuers get put so deep in a folder structure specialy when some folder...More
Because, I want to be able to remove character meshes at runtime, re-use (eg switch shoes) or want to use them for other characters, ie. sunglasses, hats etc. we need the option to either export selected meshes directly out of CC3, or as a character export without one combined mesh. That would...More
Even though iClone can do a lot of animation, some of it is easier to do in 3ds max or maya. It'd be nice to have a resource of a rigged .fbx model with added constraints and targets suited for the CC3 character animation....More
ok, probably what i gonna ask must be "impossible or near impossible but who knows right???. Would be cool if we could "clone" weight influence from already existing cloths when adding new cloths to CC library like for exemple: i go in daz and get a new bikini or underwear for female them...More