When I export the 3d model and various animations in "custom" from Character Creator to Unity 3D, it does not export with the frames corresponding to each animation, but it takes the frames of the longest animation and leaves them all of that length, it does not if it is a Bug, but clearly...More
It would be very convenient and a huge improvement, if the morphs that get transferred on the clothing would be editable to improve the quality and be able to edit them to fit better....More
Hi this is a minor thing but still worth the mention. When I work on custom assets in CC3 and want to Smooth the mesh by subdivision it automatically starts with Tessellation. This takes a serious amount of computing time on more complex meshes and usually you want to use the Subdivision option...More
Hello there, I'm having some problems with a coat that is also placed over the wrist. i attached a image. left is CC3 (where it looks like it needs to be) on the right is the export with the unity template (only happend with the unity template). both parts from the coat on the wrist are rotated...More
If i want to export body parts of my character, for example the right arm, I want it with clothes on it, so only the shirt right arm, and the arm. Actually, the only solution is to delete the pants, shoes, eyes, etc... before exporting, otherwise every hidden item is exported too. Please...More
When exporting a CC3+ character, one can either choose between "Remesher" or "Merge Material". It would be very perfect for game optimization, if you could Merge Materials AND have LODs. Because when I pick "Merge Materials", no LODs get exported. But when pick "Remesher", I do get the LODs...More
Not all "hidden faces" are hidden in the export, this bug also sadly waste a lot of pixels in the baked texture, hidden eye, teeth, tongue and other "stuff" are still there, see attached image. The only thing visible in this scene export was the arms... To clarify, after i did some testing...More