This is a minor one but a bit of a nuisance, which I always trip over. For pretty much every piece of software that I have on my Mac the expected behaviour is to scroll the window horizontally with the left or right swipe of the mouse. Except for Cartoon Animator. For some reason I can scroll...More
The delete frames function requires you to highlight the frames in the project timeline. A simple pop-up window displaying start frame and end frame, for the delete, would be a great alternative and much quicker....More
It would be very useful to be able to create a new project but incorporating all of the characteristics and settings of the current displayed frame (or the final frame) of a current open project. This would then be the starting frame of the new project....More
This is just a friendly suggestion. It would be really nice if CTA were able to simply paste images that are copied (Ctrl C) from another image program and then pasted (Ctrl V) directly onto the stage instead of having to go into "Props".You probably thought of this already.. Thank you...More
I'd like to suggest more Cartoon Animator 4 characters, face parts (i.e., mouth, nose, eyes, etc.) and wardrobe in the style of the 4 included characters - Martha, Phillip, Red and Roger. The Social Buddies pack characters are more cartoony and seem to include the single arm (rather than...More
I think that one great feature for Cartoon Animator would be blending modes for layers like ones found on image editing software. I don't know how the rendering engine really works behind. Blending modes like multiply, darken, divide, difference, soft light etc......More
I have a lot of G2 characters that I have made in prior versions. They use clothing and faces from standard Reallusion packs, but look much better than most existing G3 characters. I like the characters and the style of them, but the G3 bone rig and animation would make them perform much...More
In general, many G3 characters are visually unappealing and the latest batch included in CTA4 Power Tools vol. 1- Social Buddies are especially so. The whole "modernist flaccid minimalist pastel" appearance is just as disappointing here in CA4 as it is in CTA3. Fundamentally these G3 characters...More
See attached file. If docking of 360 Head Creator can be done, we don't have to move it constantly to the center of the computer screen to access the Layer Manager. Thanks....More