Disclaimer: Before you mark it as non-reproducible, I wanted to mention that it does not happen every time and not with every character. I cannot quite put my finger on the timing or a particular scenario but I can describe what happens. Suddenly when you start Face Puppet, all its buttons...More
This seems to be happening pretty consistently. I was building a character; more accurately I was modifying Martha character by replacing a few sprites and adding a few new ones. I did a few PSD (Affinity) round trips as I was doing some tweaks along the way and everything seemed to be working...More
With the G4 and G3 characters, they are separated by front and side views. Is there a way to paste costume changes from one to the other instead of doing them one by one. I'm thinking of just changes being made in PS such as color....More
Hi community, I am a big fan of CTA because of the simplicity of its UI but I have one and one big issue with the 2D animation: How to animate a character walking with a dress. I don't know if the dress should be a prop to be animated separately because when it is part of the hips and separated...More
I'd love to see a tool that would allow us to make our own custom ANIMATED hair. Also, can you look into a way to add physics to the hair so that it could react in real time to shat the character was doing?...More
I have submitted a similar suggestion for CTA3 a year or so ago (Issue #5221) but it is just as relevant for CA4 so I am re-entering it so it remains in the queue. ---- My dream feature would be 2D Character builder. I won’t be bending the truth much if I say that the most dreaded, horrifically...More