The option to export to MP4 which was available in CrazyTalk Animator 3 is as far as I can tell not available as an option in CTA 4.5. Since I'm new to CTA 4, am I missing something or is this option not available? If it is no longer available, are there any plans to include it in a future...More
Since we can use a webcam for capturing face and body motion, I think we should be able to use recorded video for the same purpose. That would give us the ability to use a snapshot of a frame of the video to create a caricature or cartoon style image and animate it using the original subject...More
1. Recently, CTA can only add up to 3 sound files at a time (Sound FX1, Sound FX2, and Music). Each character has a chance to add a sound file for lip-sync purposes. There is only one option to change the volume for Sound FX1, Sound FX2, and Music at the same time. And there is no chance to...More
Animation is 13 seconds, as soon as I put the key in "Face Key Editor" on the timeline, I have to wait a few seconds until my CPU load runs out and only then the key appears on the timeline. Intel 11900K processor, ASUS RTX 3090 graphics card, 32 ram and only 13 seconds of animation, with such...More
Hi, Is it possible to change sprites (arms, hip, legs) on a G3 character and animate in the same project? I tried but had trouble. I made a G3 character that have 2 hip sprites, 2 arm sprites in each hip and arm folders in PSD file. So, the G3 character can have different outfit by changing...More
Hello, I have an animal talking using morph based head. After applying audios (like 14 clips in the timeline) and all works fine, lip sync works great too in the stage mode. But, when accidentally click the compose mode and didn't do anything but when it is back to stage mode, the animal...More
I have submitted a ticket. But I am curious to see if anyone else had had this error message: "Load QML Failure." I had this issue a few months ago, but it seemed to be resolved. I have project files that had been working fine, but today, when I tried to take a character into composer mode...More
When I use sprite editor for upper_arms my sprite wont show in stage mode. It does not show either in layermanager. Only some sprites. here it is rigth and left upper arm, and right and left thigh. When I use layer-manager the plus sign is greyed too with theese sprites....More