I am a big fun of cartoon animation and especially how you have made it easy for simple people with little cartoon drawings and animation backgrounds to be able to bring their creative stories out. I have found that although this sofware is brilliant i am asking if it is possible to have project...More
I'm looking at the 360 Head Creator and Hair creator. All of the templates are based on White Hair styles. By now... in 2020 since IClone 4 or 5 where I began and CrazyTalk Animator ... you should have a much more DIVERSE selection with your templates....More
Being colorblind, in CA4 and CTA3 it is hard to tell whether an option is selected or not; 3D Motion Angle Alignment; Loop; etc. I am currently working my way through the Crazytalk Animator 2 Training Video and notice that in CTA2 it is a lot easier to tell whether an option is selected or...More
Sometimes there is a need to bring the entire character forward or back (Z axis) or left or right (X) or up or down (Y) by a specific number of units. It is easy enough when the character is static but when there is a lot of Transform animation already in place it becomes a bit of a pain because...More
The stretch bone function of 2D Motion Key Editor is so limited and I find it very frustrating to use. It allows only the upper arms, neck and thighs to stretch which limits the animation to do any real squash and stretch motions. Animating something like front walk cycle with G3 is totally...More