In CTA4.4 you can "Lock to Hip" and choose "Camera Tracking" to follow the character while you preview an .rlmotion. I want to suggest that Reallusion give users the option to export those camera moves when you choose Apply to Timeline. And/or add a camera option to follow a character in the...More
When I import or save models (examples: actor, scene & prop files) which is more file size & when I open or save projects with the models I use which is more file size takes more time. So can you make an update for making it take the amount of time it takes when I open or save a blank project...More
The tutorial page needs to be updated: The Adding Clothing to G3 Characters in Photoshop, Stylizing G3 Characters in Photoshop, Changing G3 Color Style in Photoshop, and Animated Accessory Design videos should be under the Photoshop...More
When you add a flag to the timeline, the flag icon is at the bottom of the timeline instead of in the middle. When adding additional tracks underneath, it gets covered up. This makes it difficult to move and delete the flags....More
The Cartoon Animator 4 manual says the 3d animations can be applied to any character in the Diagrams for 3D and 2D motions. This is also under the Using Character Motions section. The marketing page for the Pipeline version says they can only be applied to G2 characters. Please update the...More
There needs to be a note on the Using Accessories Page that the hats and hair are not compatible for 360 heads. The content packs for additional accessories have this disclaimer but it is not in the manual....More
There is no real pipeline for G2 characters and props. It is very hard to edit them. The documentation is confusing as it doesn't mention Adobe Animate as the program needed to animate the vector files. You have to search for the file types needed (flv, fla, swf). There also is not a plugin...More
The only options in the elastic motion bar are entrance and exit. There is no way to fix this to change it to an emphasis after editing with the Elastic Motion Editor. You have to delete the animation and use the keyframes in order to keep it as an emphasis motion. My suggestion is to add...More