I am sure I am not the only one who finds the arranging windows very awkward when working with Face3D tracker and MotionLive2D plugin. Scenario: open Face3D Tracker, then fire up ML2D plugin. Then weird things begin to happen. Since Face3D is a standalone app, while ML2D opens in a separate...More
I'm looking at the 360 Head Creator and Hair creator. All of the templates are based on White Hair styles. By now... in 2020 since IClone 4 or 5 where I began and CrazyTalk Animator ... you should have a much more DIVERSE selection with your templates....More
It would enhance the animations in CTA4 if you added a DRAWING layer, where one could simply draw frame by frame (to enhance CTA motions) for motions, simple effects, storyboards, etc... In Toon Boom harmony, a user can draw on a drawing layer using the vector brush tools, paint tools, morophing...More
When setting keys for head movements, it is all linear. I'd like to smooth the face transitions. Even more, a splines curve editor for all keyframes in CTA4 would be very nice, must have for custom timing and smoothness in any animation. Tks,...More
This will allow anyone the ability to edit/add masks within CTA without concern of exporting a non exportable version and without increasing file size. Hopefully soon the marketplace will also support exportable CTA products and the masks upon export will be added to the prop psd layer or...More
Usually, when you want your character to move from one pose to another, you need to set the starting key (say, at frame 50) and the end key (say, at frame 80). Normally, for a single swimming lane you would have to click "V" to set the first keyframe, then move to the end frame and move your...More
Hi, I use Artrage as it's is one of the best handpainting apps out there and has full psd output/input . I use it for everything. CA4 'almost' already supports it but doesn't have the realtime hook up as i can see in your demo with the other apps (photoshop etc). It would be super amazing...More
This is just a friendly suggestion. It would be really nice if CTA were able to simply paste images that are copied (Ctrl C) from another image program and then pasted (Ctrl V) directly onto the stage instead of having to go into "Props".You probably thought of this already.. Thank you...More