After installing the 7. 1 update the Mixamo Animation - Convert to Non-Standard (Characterization) no longer works at all. It was working in 7.02 (after switching the Presets) but in 7.1 the exact same FBX will not convert. I also tried loading in the "Maya Human-IK_Mixamo01" Characterization...More
When I import any DAZ gen3 or 8 character into 3DXchange7 it will load fine and display. When I try to export or click "Apply to iClone" the program is busy for a while and then crashes. There is no error message, it just disappears. GPU is RTX2080 with driver DAZ Pro...More
Hello, When importing Genisis 3 & 8 characters, I get a problem with legs and Shoulder/Arms, Please see attached images. One image contains the same character once as Genisis 3 (right) version and the second as Genisis 2 (left), notice the legs and shoulders/arms in the G3, and it is correct...More
3dxchange doesn't open. Splash screen, for a sec, then nothing. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU. Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 graphics card. updated driver. tried the dpi scaling setting to no avail....More
Hi, I already patched the EXE so it can handle 4Gb, without it, most of the items will not import. With the following 2 files, I will get an error about unknown file after a while...More
Hi. I have outlined the issue with the FBX animation export below. I have attached the replication project files here. Please fix it ASAP. This is a bug of the highest severity. It makes 3dxchange unusable. Unable to attach project. So, sharing the gdrive upload link.
I have tried exporting a 2011 FBX from Maya 2017, Cinema4D R20 and Blender 2.8, and have been unable to import animated morph targets into 3DXchange 7.61.3619.1. Previewing these files in another application shows the animated morph targets fine. Unfortunately the fbx is too large to attach...More
I successfully converted bvh files (as non standard rigs) by selecting Maya HumanIK and exported to imotion stored in iclone custom. After applying, the motion works but keep using the Tpose. How to solve this problem ? Sombat...More
I am working with a character exported from DAZ who's exported facial morphs no longer match what I am seeing inside of 3DXchange. In the attached images, you can see the 'Ah' viseme applied to character inside of 3DXchange and MODO respectively. For the latter, you can see the lower lip goes...More
I do as written in the documentation: Make sure the grid is On (Shortcut: Ctrl + G)....More