

Professionally-captured male model postures, complete with natural transitions that easily energize any motion scene. See your CG characters come to life with style, and create unmatched artistic renderings.

supermodel poses - continuous motions

3 Fashion Show Pose Categories

Supermodels display charm in every move. Employ that with the most-popular fashion poses around, with these 6 standing poses, 12 sitting poses, and 8 action poses for male models.

Standing Poses

Emphasize the muscle lines of the male body.

supermodel poses - fashion show standing poses

3 Fashion Show Pose Categories

Supermodels display charm in every move. Employ that with the most-popular fashion poses around, with these 6 standing poses, 12 sitting poses, and 8 action poses for male models.

Sitting Poses

Stretch legs naturally, while stretching and relaxing muscles.

supermodel poses - fashion show sitting poses

3 Fashion Show Pose Categories

Supermodels display charm in every move. Employ that with the most-popular fashion poses around, with these 6 standing poses, 12 sitting poses, and 8 action poses for male models.

Action Poses

A full range of stretch motions accent powerful muscle lines while combining classic action-movie postures.

supermodel poses - fashion show Pose action poses

Professional Runway Model Walk

A model's catwalk is an integral part of a successful fashion show. Here you can find 3 kinds of classy movements for any fashion runway. Each with a distinctive attitude.


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