How to Generate Lip Animation? How to Apply Lips?
How to Generate Lip Animation?
You may generate lip animations by following the instructions below:
A Apply FCS in Animation/Face.
B Add Voice.
Please follow the instructions step-by-step.
To start, you first need to have a character ready.
You may do this by applying any Character in Actor/Character.
Apply a Head in Actor/Head.
A. Apply FCS in Animation/Face.
A-1 You may apply any FCS in Animation/Face. (eg. FCS_Enough)
A-2 Press F3 to open theTimline; now you can see the Motion Clips in the Facial Channel.
B. Add Voice
You may also import voice files to generate facial expressions for characters, in order to make them talk.
B-1 Click the Add Voice button.
B-2 You may choose different audio types to import.
  Record: Import voice from a microphone.
  TTS: Type in words to generate voices with a Text-To-Speech engine. You may install after-market engines or simply use Windows' default voice engine.
  Wave: Import pre-recorded audio files to produce facial expressions.
  CT Script: Import Script Files from other CrazyTalk software to produce facial expressions.
  If you wish to get more information about Voice Import, then press F1 in CrazyTalk Animator to go to the CrazyTalk Animator online Help.
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