Duplicating Props (New for 5)

In order to duplicate props in iClone, you can combine the use of transform tools and the Ctrl key. However, if you need to duplicate a lot of similar props, then you can use the Multi Duplicate feature.

You are allowed to quickly duplicate objects by simply entering a number. Once duplicated, you may optionally transform, rotate or scale your objects at the same time just as if you wish to create a set stairs.

Duplicating Props with Ctrl Key

  1. Select one or more props you want to duplicate.
  2. Switch to the object transform tools such as Move ( or ), Rotate , or Scale tool.
  3. Hold the Ctrl key and then move, rotate or scale the select props. The same props will be duplicated.
  4. Repeat several times to duplicate more of the same props.

Using the Multi-Duplicate Panel

With the Multi-Duplicate panel, you do not need to use the Ctrl key to copy and paste many times. Adjust the parameters in the panel and you may then produce many of the same props at one time. Please note that this feature can only be applied to single props, not multiple props.

Collaborating with Object-Moving

  1. Select the pawn.
  2. Click the Multi-Duplicate button (Shortcut: Shift + D) to show the panel.
  3. In the Duplicate numeric field, set the number for duplicating. The minimum number is 2.
  4. Enter the number to the Move X, Y or Z to duplicate at a certain offset distance.

    Move X is increased.

  5. Alternatively, toggle the gizmo (Shortcut: Ctrl + Q) mode so that you may drag to decide the moving offset.

    Each pawn offsets the same distance from the previous one.

  6. Click the OK button when you are done.

Collaborating with Object-Rotating

  1. Select the step.
  2. Click the Multi-Duplicate button (Shortcut: Shift + D) to show the panel.
  3. In the Duplicate numeric field, set the number for duplicates. The minimum number is 2.
  4. Move the duplicated steps so that they align to the appropriate position.
  5. Rotate the duplicated steps to create a spiral staircase.

    Each step rotates the same angle from the previous one.

  6. Click the OK button when you are done.

Producing a Prop Array by Multi-Duplicate

In the previous section you learned that the Multi-Duplicate feature supports only a single prop; however, when you want to create a prop array, such as a brick wall, then you may still use the Multi-Duplicate feature with the attaching method.

  1. Select a brick.
  2. Duplicate the brick by the Multi-Duplicate panel.
  3. Select the duplicated bricks and right-click on the 3D preview window. Attach all of them to the first brick to create a group.
  4. Select the group.
  5. Perform duplication again. You may need some adjustments to the duplicated group in order to align them to the appropriate positions.
  6. Optionally detach the sub-nodes of each group if necessary.

Using Space Offset

Basically, the duplicate distance, angle or size (also called Space Offset) between two adjacent duplicated props is a constant number specified by you. However, the space offset can be progressively increased or decreased. This can duplicate your prop with more geometrical graphics.

  1. Apply a prop and select it.
  2. Open the Multi-Duplicate panel.
  3. Set the Move to line up the duplicate props.
  4. Change the Rotate.
  5. Adjust the Scale values.

    The duplicated props are scaled down.

  6. Drag the Space Offset slider to increase or decrease the offset quantity.

    Space Offset is decreased.



    • The duplicated props are all instances of the mother prop; they share one same material, which is capable of tremendously downsizing the project size.