Model Mapping Method

Types of Texture Mapping - ways to wrap bitmap Images around a 3D surface

Users can use the following UV Types to wrap a bitmap image around a 3D surface regardless of its original UV coordinates. Simply choose the UV type that fits the topology of your target 3D model the best. Please refer to the Mapping Method for Multi-Material Object section for more information.

UV Type: Planar
Align: X (Project image on X plane)

UV Type: Planar
Align: Y (Project image on Y plane)

UV Type: Planar
Align: Z (Project image on Z plane)

UV Type: Box
Align: X

Offset, Tiling and Rotate


Initial Appearance

Offset U: 0.1

Offset V: 0.1


Tiling U: 0.1
Tiling V: 0.1

Tiling U: 5
Tiling V: 1

Tiling U: 1
Tiling V: 5

Tiling U: 5
Tiling V: 5


Initial Appearance

Rotate: 30