Director Mode vs. Editor Mode

iClone splits the program into two exciting and revolutionary ways to unleash your creativity , Director Mode and Editor Mode. With this new design, Machinima Filmmaking and Animation Creation are integrated into one single program. Not only that but  iClone actors and iProps are now preset with interactive controls for immediate use. In Director Mode, users can simply use the WASD hotkeys and the right-click menus to control movement across any user defined terrain.

The Workflow of Director/Editor Mode

The recommended steps to begin creating movies with iClone is as follows:

  1. Use the Editor Mode to build your 3D world, including placing the actors, the props, the terrain and so on.

  2. Switch to the Director Mode to move your actors or iProps automatically as you would playing any 3D game. The animations and movement of them are recorded as you "play".

  3. Switch back to the Editor Mode to edit all the animations and motion clips recorded in the last step.

  4. Export your project as a media file.

Director Mode

Editor Mode