Ambient Light

The Ambient Light is the light for giving an overall tone to the whole scene in iClone. Changing the color of the ambient light allows you to create atmosphere.

iClone provides only one ambient light with changeable color settings. You cannot set keys to it, you can only set the light color to affect the whole project.

Default Color of Ambient Light

  1. Go to the Stage/Light/Modify page.

  2. In the Light Setting section, click the color box for the Ambient Light. Pick the desired color from the palette panel.

  3. Black Ambient Light

    Red Ambient Light


    • If you want to turn the scene dark then pick Black or Dark Gray as the ambient light color.

    • The Ambient Strength option from iClone 2.x is no longer available. You may create the same result by picking various colors.

    • The Ambient Light is not selectable neither in the Scene Manger nor the 3D Viewer.

    • Please refer to the Comparison of Lights for more information about the Ambient Light characteristics.

    • For more information about generating dynamic ambient light effect, please refer to Utilizing IBL Effect section.