You can create an overall detailed facial expression by adjusting the Model Details in the Head/Faces menu.
Select a character and focus on the character's face.
Toggle to Head/Faces.
Go to the Facial Features section in the Modify Panel.
Click the Detail button to launch the Model Detail window.
Select the blue points to move each Facial region from any of the perspectives: Right, Front or Left.
Front Face |
Result |
Left Face |
Result |
If you have selected multiple points, you can move all the points all at once.
You can select a single point or hold the Ctrl key and drag a rectangular to the select a region of points in the Model Detail panel.
Single Select
Multiple Select
After you have selected a point, the point turns to red which enables you to drag it in the Model Detail panel.
Click the Clear Selection button to clear all the selected red points.
Check Mirror to enable symmetry for both sides of the face.
Enable the Mirror option if you want to move a selected point and its corresponding mirror at the same time.
Selecting a point and its corresponding mirror without enabling the Mirror option will move their overall position on the face instead of moving them closer to or further away from each other.
Click the Reset button to undo the last modification.
Click the Reset All button to revert all changes back to the beginning.